Disability Claims

How Your V.A. Doctor Can Help With Your V.A. Disability Benefits Claims

Sharing with military veterans how to get their V.A. primary care doctor to provide the right evidence to increase the likelihood that their V.A. disability benefits claim will be approved.

Provide Detailed And Truthful Medical Records For Your Claim

·     Your V.A. doctor is a board-certified medical doctor. When it comes to medical evidence they carry more weight than other medical care providers such as a P.A., L.P.N., or Nurse Practitioner.

·     During your scheduled medical appointments with your V.A. doctor make sure you stress your conditions and symptoms.

·     You need to make sure your doctor is recording everything in your official file. Ask him/her for a copy of the visit notes.

·     You can, also, get a copy of your visit notes from the VA.GOV website.

·     It is recommended that you get a VA.GOV account so you can check your medical records for accuracy.

Provide A Written Statement Of How Your Medical Condition Affects Your Day To Day Living

·     Your V.A. doctor has intimate knowledge of your conditions and how they affect your everyday life.

·     Use his/her knowledge and position as your medical care provider to have them write a lay statement for your claim as to how your condition affects your daily life.

·     As a medical professional and your primary care provider, their statement about how your condition affects your life will carry a little more weight.

Request The Necessary Medical Exams To Show The Progression Of Your Condition

·     One of the reasons many initial disability benefits claims are denied is due to a lack of evidence.

·     Special medical diagnostic exams are needed to prove a condition or show the progression of a documented condition in order for a veteran to receive the proper disability rating.

·     Have a discussion with your V.A. primary care doctor about what you need and their thoughts on the matter and then ask them to schedule the exam for you.

Provide You With A Nexus Letter

·     This one can quite possibly be the most important tip in this presentation.

·     Ask your V.A. primary care doctor to write a NEXUS letter for you about the condition you will be filing disability benefits claim for.

·     So long as your V.A. primary care doctor can see the connection to military service for your condition, there should be no reason why they will not write this letter for you.

·     This goes for ANY primary care provider. If you need examples of a Nexus letter to provide your primary care provider visit Veteran Claims Made Easy and click on the resources tab at the top of the page. Then simply download an example from the page.

What We Covered Today:

·     Provide Detailed and Truthful Medical Records for Your Claim

·     Provide a Written Statement of How Your Medical Condition Affects Your Day to Day Living

·     Request The Necessary Medical Exams to Show the Progression of Your Condition

·     Provide You With a Nexus Letter

Big Idea Summary:

·     Veterans are used to serving and doing what they are told. When it comes to your earned V.A. disability benefits you cannot wait to be told what to do or how to do it. The V.A. disability benefits claim process is one of the most criticized processes in the United States government. Information on the process is vague, confusing, IMO deliberately antagonistic and combative when it should be the opposite. It should serve our veterans not hinder them. Take the time to work with your V.A. primary care provider and use them for all they can do for you.

Additional Information and Resources:

·     If you need more information on how to file a V.A. disability benefits claim you can visit our resource page at https://www.veteranclaimsmadeeasy.com and check out our resources page. We have a checklist you can download for FREE and other resources that can help you with your claim.

 Conclusion / Final Thoughts:

·     In a nutshell it boils down to using the resources available to you in a way that gets you to the goal. Your V.A. primary care provider is one of those resources. We hope this short presentation helps you in your journey to getting the benefits you have earned.

· You served your country, now serve yourself!

Next Steps:

·     Visit our website at https://www.veteranclaimsmadeeasy.com

·     You can also visit us on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/veteranclaimsmadeeasy