Secrets Revealed: Veterans Find Clues to Disability-Service Link in Medical Records

Military veterans should provide the VA with a narrative outlining their disability, gather all relevant medical evidence such as medical records, physician statements, and lab results, have their treating physician review the narrative, and sign a nexus letter that explicitly states the connection between the disability and service, and submit the nexus letter and all evidence to the VA for review.


Are you a veteran struggling to get the disability benefits you deserve? You don't have to go it alone! With a few simple steps, you can get the support you need. Gather your medical evidence, write a narrative outlining your disability, have your treating physician review and provide supporting documentation, get a nexus letter, and submit it all to the VA for review. With the right tools, you can have the veteran's disability benefits you've earned!


1.   Gather all the evidence you need to make your case! Medical records, physician statements, dates of diagnosis, and any other pertinent information should be collected to support your disability claim with the VA.

2.   Create a comprehensive narrative that details the current state of your disability. Include all the dates of diagnosis, treatments and other information that will help the VA understand your condition.

3.   Have your treating physician review your narrative and sign a nexus letter that explicitly states the connection between your disability and your time in service. This letter should include any physical exams or lab results that may be relevant to your claim.

4.   Submit the nexus letter and all the relevant evidence to the VA for review. Make sure to keep copies of all documents you submit; in case they are needed in the future.

5.   Take charge of your VA claim! By gathering all the necessary information and documents, you can be confident that you’re providing the VA with everything they need to make a decision on your claim.


The BIG takeaway for all military veterans is to be prepared when filing a claim with the VA and to ensure that all relevant medical evidence and a supporting narrative are gathered, along with a signed nexus letter from a treating physician establishing the connection between the disability and service. 


By the way, if you want to know "How to Put Your VA Claim Together and Submit It So You Get the Benefits You Deserve” this book, How To Write Your Own Successful VA Claim For Service-Connected Disability Compensation (A VA Claim Guide For Veterans), is exactly what every military veteran is looking for! This is what the TOP military veterans use